Meet the faces behind the scenes
At the heart of the Calcutta Rangers Club lies a dedicated team of individuals whose passion for sports and community has led them to take on the crucial responsibility of steering our club to new heights. We proudly present to you the 2023-2024 Executive Committee, a group of dynamic leaders committed to nurturing the spirit of sportsmanship and camaraderie within our beloved club.
Meet the faces behind the scenes, the individuals who work tirelessly to ensure that our members enjoy a seamless and enriching experience. From organizing events that bring us all together to managing the day-to-day operations, our Executive Committee members are the driving force behind the club's success.
With their diverse skills, unwavering dedication, and a shared vision for a thriving and inclusive club, they are here to serve you, our valued members. Feel free to reach out to any of them with your ideas, suggestions, or questions as they are always eager to hear from you.
As we embark on this exciting journey together, let's applaud and extend our support to the [Year] Executive Committee for their commitment to making our club a vibrant and welcoming community for all.
Peter X Remedios
Hony President
Darrel Webber
Hony Senior Vice President
Chris Khare
Hony Junior Vice President
Eugene Gonsalves
Hony Treasurer